Internationally known transplant surgeon and researcher Daniel G. Maluf, MD, has been named professor of surgery, surgical director of liver transplantation, and director of live donor transplantation for the UT/Methodist Transplant Institute. He will also hold the Transplant Institute Endowed Professorship in Liver Transplantation at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
“This is a transformational change in the direction and future of the transplant institute, clinically by expanding live donor liver transplantation, as well as being able to perform groundbreaking transplant research,” said James D. Eason, MD, founder and program director of the UT/Methodist Transplant Institute and professor and chief of the Transplant Division in the College of Medicine at UTHSC.
Dr. Eason holds the Endowed Chair of Excellence in Transplant Surgery at UTHSC. Over roughly a dozen years, he has built the transplant institute into one of the top liver transplant programs in the country. It performs approximately 260 to 280 transplants a year, totaling more than 2,500 transplants since he began. The institute recently added live donor liver transplantation.
“We are especially excited to have Dr. Maluf join our team,” Dr. Eason said. “He is internationally known for his work in live donor liver transplantation, as well as his research in genomics, proteomics, and molecular pathways of rejection.”
Dr. Maluf comes to UTHSC from the University of Virginia, where he served as a tenured professor of surgery, surgical co-director of liver transplantation, director of living donor transplantation, and director of the abdominal transplant fellowship program.
He received his MD degree from the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba in Argentina, and did his general surgery internship and residency at Catholic University of Cordoba in Argentina. He did postgraduate work in advanced robotics in transplantation at the University of Illinois at Chicago, robotic surgery training at Eastern Carolina University, a transplant surgery fellowship and a transplant research fellowship at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center in Richmond.
He has received numerous national and international transplant awards, including the International Liver Transplant Society Young Investigators Award in 2017. Dr. Maluf is a Fellow in national and international transplant organizations, including the American Society of Transplant Surgeons and the Argentina Society of Transplant.
He has extensive funded research focusing in the areas of transplant surgery, liver transplantation, living donor liver transplantation, biomarker discovery and validation, vascular surgery, minimally invasive surgery and translational research. He has published more than 270 papers, abstracts, and book chapters.