For the 29th year, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) and Omega Ministries will join to host the Back to School Family Affair on Saturday, July 15.The event will be held at the UTHSC Student-Alumni Center, located at 800 Madison Avenue, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. It is free and open to the public.
Free backpacks and school supplies will be given to the first 1,000 student participants. A parent or guardian must be present to receive the giveaways.
Families attending this event will receive a host of medical screenings, services, and information provided by qualified medical professionals and students from organizations and institutions including UTHSC, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, Regional One Health, Southern College of Optometry, Shelby County Health Department., Lifeblood, the Church Health Center, American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, The Memphis Medical Society, Bluff City Medical Society, Firestone Dental, C.A.A.P., INC., and many others.
In addition to these screenings and services, the following free immunizations will be offered to students from pre-school age up to 18 (including entering college freshmen): Hepatitis A and B, Meningococcal (Meningitis), MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Tdap (ages 7 and above) and DTaP (ages 6 and under) (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) for ages 7 and above, Varicella (Chicken Pox), Haemophilus Influenzae type B (HIB), Pneumococcal (PCV), IPV (Polio). While the primary focus is on the school-age children, ensuring they receive their free shots and exams, there are services offered for all age groups.
Updated shot records are required in order to receive any immunizations. Free preschool physical exams, children’s dental services, and sports physicals required for student athletes will also be given by licensed medical professionals. Student athletes must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and bring the required examination documents provided by the school’s athletic department.
Lifeblood will be onsite conducting a community blood drive during the event. The high school that donates the most units during this drive will receive a pizza party, and the donated units will be credited toward the school’s 2017/2018 blood donor program scholarship goal. Students must be at least 16 to donate. All donors under age 18 must have signed parental consent. Appointments can be made online at:
Click on Club Lifeblood (at the top of the page),click on Locate a Blood Drive and enter code G114.
For more information, contact Joyce Shaw of Omega Ministries Health Initiative at (901) 487-5913 or Erskine Gillespie, event public relations committee chairman at (901) 281-0405.