Tag: UTHSC Chancellor Peter Buckley

Chancellor’s Inaugural Address Applauds ‘Noble Mission,’ Outlines Work Ahead

UTHSC Chancellor Peter Buckley delivers his Inaugural Address Tuesday, February 22.

Twenty days into his tenure as the 11th chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Peter Buckley, MD, Tuesday gave his Inaugural Address, noting that UTHSC has many strengths, including impressive leadership at all levels, momentum in research, a strong statewide academic and clinical presence, and a supportive environment for its faculty, staff,… Read More

UTHSC Chancellor Emphasizes the Transformative Power of Philanthropic Gifts


Great academic health care institutions are built on the availability of philanthropy to advance their mission through a sustained combination of support from grateful patients and grateful alumni, proud employees, and community leaders who are inspired by clinical excellence, innovative programs, and research.
Peter Buckley, MD, our new chancellor … Read More