UTHSC Dentistry Student Selected As New SGAEC President


Third-year UTHSC College of Dentistry student Sonali Demla thinks training during the pandemic will make her a better dentist in the future. “As third-year dentistry students, we have been given the green light to begin seeing our own patients, and getting to experience that has been amazing,” Demla said. “There have been lots of changes in the… Read More

Faculty and Student Leaders Recognized at SGAEC Banquet


Six outstanding faculty members at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center were honored by students from their colleges with Excellence in Teaching Awards at the annual Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC) Banquet held Monday at the Student-Alumni Center. The awards are vetted by the SGAEC representative for each college, as well as students… Read More

SGAEC Reflects on Faculty, Student and Staff Leadership During Awards Banquet


The Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC) showed their appreciation to faculty and staff and welcomed 146 student inductees into the prestigious Imhotep Society during their annual awards banquet held on April 18 at the Student-Alumni Center. The inductees for the Imhotep Society were comprised of members from all six of UTHSC’s colleges. SGAEC President… Read More

SGAEC President Lee Pribyl Determined to Make a Difference


Most graduate students are primarily concerned with getting their degree. But Lee Pribyl has added a larger goal to his time as a graduate student at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Pribyl certainly wants to walk away from UTHSC with his degree. However, as President of the Student Government Association Executive Council (SGAEC),… Read More

Free Flu Shots for UTHSC Campus October 16 at Boo Flu


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center wants to make sure you are doing your part on being protected from the flu virus this year by stopping by to receive a free flu vaccination at Boo Flu. The event will take place in the Madison Plaza Lobby on October 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.… Read More