The Offices of Equity and Diversity (OED) and Human Resources (HR) are working collaboratively with the campus administration at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center to address issues related to pregnancy and breastfeeding on campus.

As a result, two new private spaces for nursing mothers are now available in OED (920 Madison, Suite 825) and HR (910 Madison, Suite 753). Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion (SASSI) offered the first dedicated lactation room on campus. It is located in the GEB in CB16.
The lactation rooms can be used by nursing mothers across the UTHSC community. Email hsc-oed@uthsc.edu or stop by any lactation room location to sign in and use it.
“Having lactation rooms is one of many ways UTHSC demonstrates what inclusion looks like,” said Michael Alston, EdD, CCDP/AP, assistant vice chancellor for Equity and Diversity and Title IX Coordinator. “Through the engaged leadership of Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operations Officer Dr. Ken Brown, the rooms in OED and HR are an example of thoughtful collaboration.”