UTHSC In the Media

When Children’s Hospitals Partner With Each Other, Patients Win

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Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are just one mile apart in Memphis, Tennessee. When St. Jude started a brain tumor program in 1985, the two hospitals began a partnership that would span decades. Today, the Pediatric Brain Tumor Program is one of the largest pediatric surgical brain tumor programs in… Read More

Law enforcement and a geneticist explain there isn’t enough research to suggest effectiveness of CBD

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The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and a geneticist with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center said there needs to be more research done to show how effective CBD can be as a medical treatment. Megan Mulligan is an assistant professor at UTHSC and has done research on the effects of THC and CBD. CBD… Read More

Are Generic Drugs as Good as Name Brand?

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At first, she blamed the exhaustion on her stage of life. It wasn’t abnormal for Shannon Dingle, a 27-year-old mother of two young children, to feel tired. She had also been recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid caused by Hashimoto’s disease, but the possibility of relapse seemed unlikely. While fatigue is a symptom of… Read More

Raise the tobacco age to 21, no military exemptions

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The surgeons general of the Air Force, Army, Navy and United States recently spoke with one voice about the threat of tobacco use among service members — a group with high smoking rates long targeted by tobacco companies.


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LOCAL HEALTH ALERT: With super hot temps and “real-feels” in the triple digits, healthcare professionals are urging everyone to take extra steps to prevent heat stroke and heat exhaustion. I sat down with Dr. Margaret Hartig with the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center who tells me there’s more preventative measures you should take aside… Read More

At-home advocates help chronic ER users reduce drain on system

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Medicine in general and insurance companies in particular could save a bundle on their “super utilizers,” those really sick patients who tend be well-known in the ER, if they would remember how comforting it is to have a knowledgeable friend drop by the house and chat, especially in the days and weeks after being in… Read More

Clinical drug trials network for Tennesseans shows promise

The Memphis Business Journal

Tennesseans’ opportunities to access clinical trial drugs are more limited than other parts of the country. But, a year-old initiative out of a local university is getting the state’s residents enrolled in early drug and medical device access. “This network meets a huge need for University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) clinical research,” said… Read More

New study by local health expert could add treatment option for sickle cell patients

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Memphis has one of the highest populations of adult sickle cell patients in the United States. About 1,700 patients have the disease, according to Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare.Right now, there are only a few FDA-approved treatment options for sickle cell disease, with the most recent treatment approved last year by the federal agency. Dr. Kenneth… Read More