Category: Clinical Care

UTHSC Dental Clinics Provide Care Statewide


  Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP, toured the University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Union City Dental Clinic on Friday. The clinic is one of three operated by the UTHSC College of Dentistry to provide necessary dental services to the underinsured and uninsured across the state from Union City in… Read More

$1 Million Grant to Aid Work with Hearing Impaired Children


Faculty members in the Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville have received a $1.08 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The grant will allow graduate students to receive… Read More

Hamilton Eye Institute Boasts New Entrance


Thanks to the generosity of one of UTHSC Hamilton Eye Institute’s (HEI) benefactors, the entrance of the comprehensive eye care center on Madison Avenue on the UTHSC campus has a new look. The recently completed project at HEI features a new fountain with water cascading over a backlit logo of the institute. Along with the… Read More

OT Podcast Has Worldwide Reach


Stephanie Lancaster, program director for the UTHSC Department of Occupational Therapy, saw a gap in the podcast world and decided to take a chance in sharing her love of occupational therapy with others by developing a podcast titled “On The Air.” To get started, Dr. Lancaster discovered tips and tricks online about how to start… Read More

UTHSC Partners with Le Bonheur and St. Jude to Host Second Coronavirus Online Symposium


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Tuesday hosted its second online coronavirus symposium to an audience of more than 580. UTHSC’s first Coronavirus Online Symposium for providers and the public was held April 6, and highlighted the characteristics of the virus; its patterns of spread; and efforts led by the university and its partners to… Read More

Chief Medical Officer for Alternate-Care COVID-19 Hospital an Experienced Pulmonologist and Critical Care Physician


For Amik Sodhi, MD, MPH, the coronavirus pandemic has been a crash course in battling an unprecedented adversary. A pulmonologist and interim chief of the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Dr. Sodhi and her colleagues have for the past few months been front and… Read More

Health Professions: Making Strides


The latest issue of the College of Health Professions Magazine is now available. This issue covers the important steps the college is taking toward obtaining their goal to become a Top 20 in national ranking for each of their programs. In this issue you’ll read about new faculty, the establishment of the new Department of… Read More

UTHSC to Host Second Online Coronavirus Symposium July 28


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center will host its second Online Coronavirus Symposium July 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. CDT. Coronavirus Symposium – July Update is free and open to health care practitioners and the public via Zoom. The event is part of the university’s ongoing efforts to share essential coronavirus information… Read More